Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Colors of the Wind

Life is the air you breathe, the water you drink, the way your toes feel when they curl in the sand, or how your heart leaps when you see someone you care about. It's about pressing your face into the glass of an airplane window and watching swimming pools and baseball fields become smaller the higher you rise. It's about loving human life unconditionally no matter what they've done or said to you and about making wishes, saying prayers, or smiling at strangers. Life has so many definitions, so many hidden meanings. With every tick of the clock, you begin to understand just what living life is all about. You just have to listen. You have to search within yourself and find that feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you which direction to turn.

In my life, I've met so many incredible faces. Some have come and gone. Some have been great, some not so great. Some have made me laugh, made me cry, made me strive to be a better person, and some have helped me realize just how blessed I truly am to begin with. I've gained friends. I've lost friends. I miss friends and some I've let go of. The people in your life, whether good or bad, hold more power than you think. They're your support system, your motivator. They remind you of your capabilities and offer a hand after someone else has kicked you down.

I don't believe God ever meant for the world to get as ugly as it has gotten, but I do believe he has sent people into my life, into your life, to balance out the unnecessary evil. Take the time today to hug the ones you love, to thank them for sticking around long after everyone else has left. Or if you are like me and can't physically see your family or your friends, write them. Something as simple as a sentence can breathe life into someone's soul. Don't ever hesitate to use the power of language to put a smile on a blank face.

Granada, Spain

When I was a kid, I used to dream of what it would be like to be inside an airplane. I was that little girl that stared at the sky and looked for "the stars that moved and flashed." I would find myself imagining the people on them, where they were going, how they felt being so high above the earth. My mind reeled with questions that I now have all the answers to. This experience has turned me into a whole new person. I see life differently and I appreciate things that I used to overlook. That's what's so beautiful about traveling. It humbles you. It will break you down to your lowest point and send you home standing taller than you were when you arrived.

In three days, I'm going to Germany. If you had asked me several years ago to make a list of all the places that I wanted to visit, Germany probably wouldn't have made the cut. There is no particular reason why. My mind had always been so wrapped around Italy, Ireland, etc... that I never gave Germany a shot. I'm going to Munich, Dachau, and further south to see the Neuschwanstein Castle. You know the Disney Castle? Well, this is the real life version. Even though my Disney loving heart can't wait to visit the castle, I believe I'm most excited to visit Dachau. It's not that I'm morbid or a glutton for sadness... but I've spent several years learning about Nazi Germany and how it impacted the world. It will be a humbling experience to walk through the first concentration camp built in the country and learn more about the people who lost their lives inside of it. My next blog will definitely be about this upcoming trip, so get ready to cry. This one is for you, Mr. Withers.

After Germany, I'm taking one last trip before I prepare to finish off my semester. I've booked a flight to London, Dublin, and Edinburgh. Back to back. It's 7 days of history and culture that I have been waiting for. I'm finally going to Ireland. I'm finally getting to see the Cliffs of Moher. By the time I return to the United States, I'll have completely eliminated my top 3 countries that I've always wanted to visit (Italy, Spain, Ireland) and added a few unlikely places that I never thought I'd go to.

Photos will be coming, so brace yourselves. I've slacked on my photography because I forgot how to be a tourist. The next couple of weeks will be a cultural overload and I'm excited to take all of you with me.

Until next time, here's some photos of Granada.

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